Friday, September 12, 2008
USA Streetball Allstars
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Awesome Street Basketball Tricks Video
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Advice to pick perfect basketball shoes - sneekers

1. The shoes must be can endure impact when we jump in the court, if afterfinished play basketball your sole of foot or behind your knee feel hurt thats mean your shoes is not suitable to support your weight, if you continueit will give you impact in the future
2. The good basketball shoes is not glossy, sticky. The sticky shoes can increasly your performance, specially when you dribble, cutting the past, Cross over, spin,
3. Must comfy, not to hot. Pick your shoes fit, be the right size not just to front, but side to, if your foot can movement inside your shoes you better you can slip or get another injury
4. stable - most of new basketball shoes have plastic with many shape fromsole of foot to ankle, this use to hold on foot, for not rolling n not wrong when landing
5. Renponsive - Some guard need responsive sneeker, that can make easy move tothe right and left (low cut), that not have huge sole, So can make you feel the court not heavy n easy to run n sprint
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
6 Ways To Improve Your Foot Speed!

Discover the secrets world class sprinters have known for years - the key to foot speed is 'dorsi and planter flexion'. These 6 drills will definitely improve your foot speed!
It is a well-known fact that the dorsi- and plantar flexion action of the foot, is a characteristic of sprinters. To improve on the working capacity of the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus longus, soleus and gastrocnemius that does most of this work they have to be strengthened and have a greater capacity to apply force faster.
The dorsi flexion action is not merely a lift of the toes, but rather a lifting of the front part of the foot. The plantar flexion action is not just a downward movement of the foot, it has to be done in such a manner that it applies maximum force against the ground in the shortest possible time.
Basically we are trying to to reduce the athletes ground contact time and thus help improve on speed.
Ways To Improve Your Speed:
1. Seated foot up
3 - 4 sets of 30 lifts per foot at varied pace.
2. Standing foot lifts
3 - 4 sets of 30 lifts per foot. As balance plays role here, it can also help improve your stability.
3. Walking with foot lifts. (Small steps)
Everytime you lift your foot up moving forward, make sure you lift your foot up and land on the front part of your foot. Throughout this exercise you stay on your toes. Walk distances of 15 - 20m. 3 - 4 reps. 4. Jogging with foot lifts. (Small steps to long steps)
Do this with stiff knees and "pulling" with the hamstrings and calf muscles to move forward. Dorsi flex the foot everytime it lifts of the ground to take another step. Do 3 - 4 reps over distances ranging from 15 - 35m. 5. Skipping.
This is a very common training method that will enhance the dorsi- and platar flexion. Important to not that the foot lifts up every tiem it leaves the ground. Start with 30 touch downs (Td) and work it up to 100. It can also be done against time.
6. Short jumps (Static or dynamic forward movement, mini hurdles)
Do 3 - 4 sets of 1020 jumps and lift the feet after every touchdown. Dynamic jumps - work from 15 - 35m with the same action. IMPORTANT: Try not to bend the knees too much as this will only slow the action down.
The above exercises are just a few thoughts. There are many other coaches with great ideas. It is however important for sprinters to do this type of training at least twice per week in the general preparation phase and once per week during the specific preparation phase.
Add 6 Inches To Your Vertical Jump
The definition of vertical jump is the jump reach minus the standing reach. The "standing reach" is how high you can extend one arm above your head while keeping both feet together and flat on the floor. The jump reach, for a true vertical jump test, is to jump straight up without taking a step and touch the highest point possible.
I hear people talking about vertical jumps above 40 inches, but those are not true vertical jumps. Most NBA players have vertical jumps in the 28 - 34 inch range. The highest I have ever tested is 36 1/2 inches. Ironically, it was not a basketball player, but an Olympic triple jumper from Greece.
Since the vertical jump is an explosive movement, both strength and power need to be developed.
Strength exercises are slow, controlled movements. The best strength exercises for increasing the vertical jump are squats, lunges and step ups. These are the best because they are compound movements, which work the knee joint and the hip joint at the same time.
Let's take a look at each of these exercises. It is very important that you understand how each is performed, as described below.
Squats are the best exercise an athlete can do for strength if it is performed correctly. If not, it can be the most dangerous exercise. When working with young athletes, I see that 9 out of 10 squat incorrectly. This will lead to injuries, not improved athletic performance. The two main problems are: an excessive forward lean of the upper body (which can cause low back injuries) and excessive forward movement of the knees (which can lead to knee problems).
The key points of a good squat are:
Athletic stance. The bar across the upper back (on traps and shoulders, not the neck). The chest out and the back tight with a slight forward lean. The knees stay directly above the feet at all times. Sit back deep to parallel, keeping weight on the heels. Before attempting squats, have a trained professional analyze your technique to make sure it is fundamentally sound. Concentrate on technique, not how much weight you can lift.
Step ups are performed with dumbbells and a step-up box or bench (usually 16 inches - 18 inches high). Standing in an upright position holding the dumbbells, you step up on to the box or bench at the height that would put your knee at a 90-degree angle. Do 10 repetitions with one leg and repeat with the other.
Lunges can be done holding dumbbells or with the bar across your upper back. Standing in an upright position, step as far forward as possible with no forward lean of the upper body until your front knee is at 90 degree angle. Then step back to the original position in one step. Do this 10 times with one leg, then 10 with the other. Steps and lunges complement squats because they work each leg independently.
Power exercises involve explosive quick movements. They include power cleans, plyometrics and weight box jumps. Let's take a look at each of these exercises.
Power cleans are a very advanced technical exercise. It is one portion of the Olympic lift, the clean and jerk. I highly recommend assistance from a certified strength and conditioning specialist (C.S.C.S) before attempting power cleans.
Plyometrics are very explosive bounding, hopping and jumping drills. They bring together the strength and speed components for increased power. Plyometrics must have maximum effort for results. Practicing maximum vertical jump will increase vertical jump.
Weighted box jumps are a form of plyometrics. A quality box jump should be heavy duty with landing area of 2 feet by 2 feet. The box should be 16 inches to 32 inches in height based on one's ability. You hold light dumbbells in your hands (start with 5 - 10 pounds) with your arms straight throughout the exercise. Stand in front of the box and jump as high as possible landing softly as possible. Step down and repeat for 3 sets of 10 jumps. This should be done twice a week. Never land with your hips lower than your knees and always concentrate on each jump. (Bruised shins hurt!)
With consistent, proper training, I have seen young athletes increase their vertical jump by 6 inches in one summer. Good luck with your training and may you fly as high as Mike!
How Can I Improve For Basketball?
I have a very soft place in my heart for basketball players as I was a competitive basketball player for 13 years. I played on every level except professional, just didn't have the genes. That is why I really want to help many basketball players avoid the common pitfalls of training. First, training with weights will NOT stunt your growth. If you get on a sensible training program that allows you to slowly increase load you will have no problems. Unfortunately this myth about stunting growth will not die. There is no research to support it and countries outside of the US have used weight training for centuries without producing dwarfs as athletes.
You are close in your assumption on how to keep defenders off of you and "bang" inside the paint. In actuality, it is the legs that are so crucial in being strong. A great example is Yao Ming. Obviously he is very tall, but looks relatively thin in his upper body. He is able to hold his own by having a very strong lower body. Your lower body work should involve exercises like deadlifts, squats, Olympic lifts, one legged exercises, and minimize the use of machines.
As far as your abdominals, yes this would be helpful as well as getting a strong low back (which can be done indirectly with the above mentioned exercises). I would suggest you take a look at my "Mighty Abs" series which depicts exercises that actually load the abdominal area which is something that most athletes and trainers forget to do!
Don't forget though, strength training is just one part of the equation. You still need to be performing your drills, conditioning work (jump rope drills and unweighted exercises in my "Getting In Shape" series), flexibility work, and agility drills. Your know you have a good coach if they cover all these aspects in a well planned program.
Training & Nutrition Tips From Professional Sports Players
"If I don't get enough rest between workouts, I don't grow. Plain and simple. Taking 24 to 48 hours to recover after a hard workout has really helped my gains in the weight room."
Former All-Pro NFL Tight End Shannon Sharpe on seeing results:
"A lot of people will stop [working out] if they don't see results in a week. Well, you didn't get that big or out of shape in a week. Give yourself the same amount of time it took you to become the way you are... the thing is, you can achieve [your goals], but you have to be willing the pay the price."
Seattle Seahawk Matt Hasselbeck on cardio:
"To make my cardio more interesting, I like to mix it up. Sometimes I run stairs or bleachers, or go for a run up the hills near my home."
Arizona Cardinal Larry Fitzgerald on gaining mass:
"Regular weight training has made a huge difference in my blocking assignments, and it allows me to recover more quickly from injury. Coming into camp, I knew I would have to put on more lean mass while keeping fat off. I used Myoplex Sport to help me put on the healthy muscle I needed to compete."
Former Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield on nutrition:
"Nutrition is very important. I eat around six small meals each day and drink plenty of water. If I wait too long in between meals, I don't perform well. This method works for me."
NBA Forward Wally Szczerbiak on his workout philosophy:
"I'm at the point where I want to be with my strength, but I would like to use weights to increase my speed and my explosive power. There's no real secret. it's just a matter of doing the work-the hard heavy lifts and feeling the burn. It's like anything else: you've got to put the time in."
NHL Defenseman Adam Foote on extra effort:
"Everyone did the extra work in the gym before and after practice. Even if it was just 10 extra minutes a day, we knew it was going to pay off at the end. Little things make us all better this year than we were the year before."
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