Thursday, May 25, 2006
Advice to pick perfect basketball shoes - sneekers

1. The shoes must be can endure impact when we jump in the court, if afterfinished play basketball your sole of foot or behind your knee feel hurt thats mean your shoes is not suitable to support your weight, if you continueit will give you impact in the future
2. The good basketball shoes is not glossy, sticky. The sticky shoes can increasly your performance, specially when you dribble, cutting the past, Cross over, spin,
3. Must comfy, not to hot. Pick your shoes fit, be the right size not just to front, but side to, if your foot can movement inside your shoes you better you can slip or get another injury
4. stable - most of new basketball shoes have plastic with many shape fromsole of foot to ankle, this use to hold on foot, for not rolling n not wrong when landing
5. Renponsive - Some guard need responsive sneeker, that can make easy move tothe right and left (low cut), that not have huge sole, So can make you feel the court not heavy n easy to run n sprint
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
6 Ways To Improve Your Foot Speed!

Discover the secrets world class sprinters have known for years - the key to foot speed is 'dorsi and planter flexion'. These 6 drills will definitely improve your foot speed!
It is a well-known fact that the dorsi- and plantar flexion action of the foot, is a characteristic of sprinters. To improve on the working capacity of the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus longus, soleus and gastrocnemius that does most of this work they have to be strengthened and have a greater capacity to apply force faster.
The dorsi flexion action is not merely a lift of the toes, but rather a lifting of the front part of the foot. The plantar flexion action is not just a downward movement of the foot, it has to be done in such a manner that it applies maximum force against the ground in the shortest possible time.
Basically we are trying to to reduce the athletes ground contact time and thus help improve on speed.
Ways To Improve Your Speed:
1. Seated foot up
3 - 4 sets of 30 lifts per foot at varied pace.
2. Standing foot lifts
3 - 4 sets of 30 lifts per foot. As balance plays role here, it can also help improve your stability.
3. Walking with foot lifts. (Small steps)
Everytime you lift your foot up moving forward, make sure you lift your foot up and land on the front part of your foot. Throughout this exercise you stay on your toes. Walk distances of 15 - 20m. 3 - 4 reps. 4. Jogging with foot lifts. (Small steps to long steps)
Do this with stiff knees and "pulling" with the hamstrings and calf muscles to move forward. Dorsi flex the foot everytime it lifts of the ground to take another step. Do 3 - 4 reps over distances ranging from 15 - 35m. 5. Skipping.
This is a very common training method that will enhance the dorsi- and platar flexion. Important to not that the foot lifts up every tiem it leaves the ground. Start with 30 touch downs (Td) and work it up to 100. It can also be done against time.
6. Short jumps (Static or dynamic forward movement, mini hurdles)
Do 3 - 4 sets of 1020 jumps and lift the feet after every touchdown. Dynamic jumps - work from 15 - 35m with the same action. IMPORTANT: Try not to bend the knees too much as this will only slow the action down.
The above exercises are just a few thoughts. There are many other coaches with great ideas. It is however important for sprinters to do this type of training at least twice per week in the general preparation phase and once per week during the specific preparation phase.
Add 6 Inches To Your Vertical Jump
The definition of vertical jump is the jump reach minus the standing reach. The "standing reach" is how high you can extend one arm above your head while keeping both feet together and flat on the floor. The jump reach, for a true vertical jump test, is to jump straight up without taking a step and touch the highest point possible.
I hear people talking about vertical jumps above 40 inches, but those are not true vertical jumps. Most NBA players have vertical jumps in the 28 - 34 inch range. The highest I have ever tested is 36 1/2 inches. Ironically, it was not a basketball player, but an Olympic triple jumper from Greece.
Since the vertical jump is an explosive movement, both strength and power need to be developed.
Strength exercises are slow, controlled movements. The best strength exercises for increasing the vertical jump are squats, lunges and step ups. These are the best because they are compound movements, which work the knee joint and the hip joint at the same time.
Let's take a look at each of these exercises. It is very important that you understand how each is performed, as described below.
Squats are the best exercise an athlete can do for strength if it is performed correctly. If not, it can be the most dangerous exercise. When working with young athletes, I see that 9 out of 10 squat incorrectly. This will lead to injuries, not improved athletic performance. The two main problems are: an excessive forward lean of the upper body (which can cause low back injuries) and excessive forward movement of the knees (which can lead to knee problems).
The key points of a good squat are:
Athletic stance. The bar across the upper back (on traps and shoulders, not the neck). The chest out and the back tight with a slight forward lean. The knees stay directly above the feet at all times. Sit back deep to parallel, keeping weight on the heels. Before attempting squats, have a trained professional analyze your technique to make sure it is fundamentally sound. Concentrate on technique, not how much weight you can lift.
Step ups are performed with dumbbells and a step-up box or bench (usually 16 inches - 18 inches high). Standing in an upright position holding the dumbbells, you step up on to the box or bench at the height that would put your knee at a 90-degree angle. Do 10 repetitions with one leg and repeat with the other.
Lunges can be done holding dumbbells or with the bar across your upper back. Standing in an upright position, step as far forward as possible with no forward lean of the upper body until your front knee is at 90 degree angle. Then step back to the original position in one step. Do this 10 times with one leg, then 10 with the other. Steps and lunges complement squats because they work each leg independently.
Power exercises involve explosive quick movements. They include power cleans, plyometrics and weight box jumps. Let's take a look at each of these exercises.
Power cleans are a very advanced technical exercise. It is one portion of the Olympic lift, the clean and jerk. I highly recommend assistance from a certified strength and conditioning specialist (C.S.C.S) before attempting power cleans.
Plyometrics are very explosive bounding, hopping and jumping drills. They bring together the strength and speed components for increased power. Plyometrics must have maximum effort for results. Practicing maximum vertical jump will increase vertical jump.
Weighted box jumps are a form of plyometrics. A quality box jump should be heavy duty with landing area of 2 feet by 2 feet. The box should be 16 inches to 32 inches in height based on one's ability. You hold light dumbbells in your hands (start with 5 - 10 pounds) with your arms straight throughout the exercise. Stand in front of the box and jump as high as possible landing softly as possible. Step down and repeat for 3 sets of 10 jumps. This should be done twice a week. Never land with your hips lower than your knees and always concentrate on each jump. (Bruised shins hurt!)
With consistent, proper training, I have seen young athletes increase their vertical jump by 6 inches in one summer. Good luck with your training and may you fly as high as Mike!
How Can I Improve For Basketball?
I have a very soft place in my heart for basketball players as I was a competitive basketball player for 13 years. I played on every level except professional, just didn't have the genes. That is why I really want to help many basketball players avoid the common pitfalls of training. First, training with weights will NOT stunt your growth. If you get on a sensible training program that allows you to slowly increase load you will have no problems. Unfortunately this myth about stunting growth will not die. There is no research to support it and countries outside of the US have used weight training for centuries without producing dwarfs as athletes.
You are close in your assumption on how to keep defenders off of you and "bang" inside the paint. In actuality, it is the legs that are so crucial in being strong. A great example is Yao Ming. Obviously he is very tall, but looks relatively thin in his upper body. He is able to hold his own by having a very strong lower body. Your lower body work should involve exercises like deadlifts, squats, Olympic lifts, one legged exercises, and minimize the use of machines.
As far as your abdominals, yes this would be helpful as well as getting a strong low back (which can be done indirectly with the above mentioned exercises). I would suggest you take a look at my "Mighty Abs" series which depicts exercises that actually load the abdominal area which is something that most athletes and trainers forget to do!
Don't forget though, strength training is just one part of the equation. You still need to be performing your drills, conditioning work (jump rope drills and unweighted exercises in my "Getting In Shape" series), flexibility work, and agility drills. Your know you have a good coach if they cover all these aspects in a well planned program.
Training & Nutrition Tips From Professional Sports Players
"If I don't get enough rest between workouts, I don't grow. Plain and simple. Taking 24 to 48 hours to recover after a hard workout has really helped my gains in the weight room."
Former All-Pro NFL Tight End Shannon Sharpe on seeing results:
"A lot of people will stop [working out] if they don't see results in a week. Well, you didn't get that big or out of shape in a week. Give yourself the same amount of time it took you to become the way you are... the thing is, you can achieve [your goals], but you have to be willing the pay the price."
Seattle Seahawk Matt Hasselbeck on cardio:
"To make my cardio more interesting, I like to mix it up. Sometimes I run stairs or bleachers, or go for a run up the hills near my home."
Arizona Cardinal Larry Fitzgerald on gaining mass:
"Regular weight training has made a huge difference in my blocking assignments, and it allows me to recover more quickly from injury. Coming into camp, I knew I would have to put on more lean mass while keeping fat off. I used Myoplex Sport to help me put on the healthy muscle I needed to compete."
Former Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield on nutrition:
"Nutrition is very important. I eat around six small meals each day and drink plenty of water. If I wait too long in between meals, I don't perform well. This method works for me."
NBA Forward Wally Szczerbiak on his workout philosophy:
"I'm at the point where I want to be with my strength, but I would like to use weights to increase my speed and my explosive power. There's no real secret. it's just a matter of doing the work-the hard heavy lifts and feeling the burn. It's like anything else: you've got to put the time in."
NHL Defenseman Adam Foote on extra effort:
"Everyone did the extra work in the gym before and after practice. Even if it was just 10 extra minutes a day, we knew it was going to pay off at the end. Little things make us all better this year than we were the year before."
NBA Power Conditioning....

Anybody who thinks that strength training isn't for basketball players is dead wrong. Coach Foran of the Miami Heat explains why it's important, and how the coaches of the NBCCA can help all basketball players reach their potential through proper training
Now more than ever, we know what it takes to be a superbly conditioned basketball player. At the pro and major-college levels you can see how that knowledge has changed the physical makeup and moves of athletes. Compare the often skinny and sometimes slow players of the 60's and 70's to the high-powered players of the 90's, and you'll see how much bigger, stronger, and faster athletes are now.
The problem is that the physical-conditioning information and programs that produced today's elite basketball athletes have been effectively shared with only a small portion of players and coaches at the college, high school, and middle school levels. We, the National Basketball Conditioning Coaches Association, wanted to change that.
In NBA Power Conditioning, NBA conditioning coaches make all aspects of training clear and understandable. Even more important to you, we present exercises, drills, workouts, programs, and a nutritional plan that you can use to become a highly conditioned, more powerful, and better basketball player
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Basketball man shooting machine gun, how to shooting better
2. u should have good strength
3. The set shot
4. The dunk. If you can do it, it's very powerful and hard to block, and is the highest percentage shot in basketball
5. Practice shots that you'd take in a game. Stand still, catch and shoot. Stand still, catch, dribble and shoot. Catch while on the move and shoot. Catch while on the move and fake or just go right into the dribble and then shoot. And, creating off of fakes (while a pivot foot is planted). Make sure you square up to the basket when shooting. Both feet should be pointing at the basket, and your body should square up to it. Make sure your power is coming from your legs, not your arms. Remember to follow-through on your shot. Practice like crazy. And be intense. Don't be lazy, work hard. If you half-heartedly practice getting shots off, they won't be very effective when a tough defender is near you in a real game
6. put one foot in front the the other one. grab the ball and put your best hand under. your other hand put next to it. then flick your wrist then u well get use to it then shoot
7. Lay flat on the floor with your feet flat on the floor bent at the knees, take the ball in your hands in shooting position and practice shooting toward the ceiling. The goal is for the ball to return to your hands in the original shooting position w/o having to move your hands from position. You should have perfect rotation and perfect form in this process. Do a hundred with each hand each night. I improved my free throw percentage in college from 50% to 85% in one year. It also strengthened my shot.
8. follow trough your shot, and pratice
9. you need to make sure you get in a clear space so no-one bigger is in front of you. It's good that you are quick. So visualise and practice seeing yourself in a clear space and then practice until you get so good with putting your shots up that you don't need to be near the basket and your team knows that if they give you the ball in a clear space it will be just up over and in - another 3 pts from the 3 point Ace shooter king!
10. keep your elbows in have your toes pointing towards the basket. have the ball come off your finger tips and follow through with a snap of your wrist. to get by bigger defenders use a pump fake, if that doesnt work fake left go right or visa versa. always protect the ball with your body cause a lager defender will likely reach in a steal the ball away
11. You don't shoot correctly, then learn how to shoot correctly. If you're too slow to get by bigger guys, then you need to work out, probably do a bunch of suicides. Over and over and over. Then you'll get by them
12. always pump fake
13. people always love to block the short guy so u should try pump faking so u can get ur man in the air and then dribble past him or take the shot
14. If you need to work on your dribbles I highly suggest walking around your neighborhood dribbling between your legs. When your on the court, try to use your coodination. Go one way and then crossover towards the other side. A solid pump-fake always helps when your small
15. how do you shoot a basketball? Aim, an shoot
16. always keep focus on the board, dont need to give net throws, once you know the board it will be a piece of cake
17. B.E.E.F
Balance/Bended Knees...
Elbows[inward at a 90 degree angle]...
Eyes[on the target]...
Follow Through[like a downward snap of the wrist]
Don't use two hands...use your strong to shoot and your weaker hand to help balance the ball. Always make sure that you are squared up to the basket before you shoot. Start close and develop your technique then move back as you get better
18. for staters it mayb easy to scre with shooting the backboard...but as you play more i suggest you started shooting the rim without the help of the backboard...its pretty hard but once you get used to it, its pretty good the way you and other ppl look at it...and youll be more comfortable shooting at the other angle
19. First, learn how to handle the ball.
Second, learn how to shoot the ball properly.
Third, practice shooting with one eye closed. In time, it will help you make dead accurate shots with the ball. By depending on one eye, it prevents your shot from getting fooled by using two eyes. Something about depth perception. Your accuracy will improve tremendously.
One last thing, learn to arc your shot properly, and put some spin on it. Another important tip is to learn how to shoot against a defender. Try practicing turnaround shots and other shots you might need to use in a gametime situation. Try having someone pass to you and shoot as fast as you can at the rim.
Rip Hamilton and Reggie Miller are masters at shooting the basketball. They're even better than Jordan. Learn from their play, and you will get very good.
20. square up to the basket, and make a 90 degree angle directly under the ball, using you non dominant hand to balance your shot
21. Keep you head straight. Relax your arms, be confident and shoot. Keep on practicing till you improve
22. your strength should come from the legs...just do a follow through with the wrist and can do it just make a rainbow shot..practice makes perfect
23. You have to arch your dominant hand using your nondominant hand as a balance. Relax. Arch it and flick it off your wrist. A little practice always help too
25. If you're right handed: all of the wieght of the ball should be centered on your right hand. Your left hand should be on the side of the ball, just for balance (no pressure). Position the ball in front of your forhead, but don't block your vision of the hoop. Your elbow should be pointed straight down. Use your legs for power and just snap your right wrist forward. Also square your body towards the hoop
26. You need to think about the way you are positioned when you shoot. Are squared up? Is your shooting arm aligned with the basket?Think about where it hits on the basket. If it hits the back of the rim it need more arc. If its just hitting the back bored then you need to align your arm correctly. If it is just your shooting style I would try some thing else. Remember practice makes permanent not perfect. I think if you are a skilled player and your only problem is shooting ,then you probably just practiced a bad habit in shooting and know you cant stop shooting the wrong way because it is a habit.I would try to shoot a new way on different parts on the court ( 3 point line, in the key, free throws
27. - Bend your wrist back as far as possible and then snap it as fast as you can at the top of your shot.
- Keep your elbows tucked.
- Release the ball with your fingertips.
- Most importantly you have to feel comfortable doing it or it just won't fall in.
28. Set your feet to where they are pointed twards the basket and then square your shoulders, then follow thru on your release and put spin on the ball
29. Get a Pistol Pete fundamentals video. They are awesome and you can get them at yardsales, ebay, wherever. A LOT of players in the NBA or even college got good by watching and applying what they learned from the master
30. Go through a growth spurt and stuff the damn thing like that girl last week. then you don't have to worry about shooting and you FG% will be through the roof
31. You should practice,practice and practice again.In my opinion ball control and shooting is the most important things in basketball but you should also go to gim if you want to "stay in game".Practice daily ball control and shooting,make you a 3-4day per week gim program and at the end of the week go out to play a game with your friends.Come on,33?Your a teen,you should never say "I am getting older",if you continue like this in one day you will be obsesed by this.Good luck
32. Just practice, hold a couple of games with friends to keep yourself in shape. Go outside and practice your shots for a couple of hours. And there is no such thing as too old for B-ball camps. Loool
33. focus on you aiming first. keep doing this until you get the hang of it. then focus on your pressure (see how much force you need to push the ball to the rim). keep doing this and you'll become better
Basketball general tips
But before we explore basketball tips on helping your specific skills like ball handling, shooting, passing etc., let's look at some general tips to keep in mind as you're striving to reach your full potential:
1) Focus: This is absolutely necessary to have any real success in basketball. You need to have the ability to concentrate fully on what it is you're working on.
Whether you're working out alone and battling your fatigue ("Man, my legs feel sore") or standing alone at the foul line with the game on the line, it's critical to have the ability to ignore the negative feeling and thoughts and focus on delivering your best.
2) Confidence: You're only as good as how you feel about yourself. You can know all the BB tips, plays or drills in the world, but if you don't have a powerful self-image, you're in for a tough haul!
The good news? By mastering those drills and plays you'll find on our site, you'll develop more and more confidence as you go along. Just remember, "All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is enough."
3) Desire: Put simply, you gotta want it more than the next guy!
4) Positive Attitude: No one likes a crybaby, right? If you put out a negative vibe, it's gonna affect everything from your team to all your fundamentals and skills.
Have a child-like enthusiasm for the game and your opportunities and watch how far that positive stuff will take you.
5) Never Give Up: The only way to fail at anything is to simply stop trying.
What Makes you a skillful basketball player???
There are different things that make basketball players great. When you look at a player like Jordan, he was a great scorer and a great defender. He also made players around him better. With a player like Shaq, he gets a bad rep because of his free throws, but in reality there has never been a big man of his size that was so good with the ball. He is a great passer, he is very quick for his size(he has slowed down with age), he runs the court very well, and he has great hands. He is the most dominating player in the league right now. Most people that big can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Shaq is also very unselfish. If you ever listen to him speak, he always praises his teammates and coaches and not himself. Kobe Bryant on the other hand still has to learn how to become great. He needs to improve his defense and learn how to pass the ball a little better. You are right that scoring 81 points does not make you great, but he did do it against an NBA team
1. Natural Born Talent
2. Height
3. Experience(knowing what to do in pressure situations)
4. have players around you make you better
81 points in one game makes you great
Yes dunking is worth two points
Scoring is the easiest way to be considered great but Defence is still important.
Jordan won Championships plus he was MVP, on the all defensive team. Plus lead the dream team to a gold medel
You should know how to shot free throws.
power but that is not that important.
Basketball Workout?
do first the 1rpm .
then speed program 40 yds
endurance 800 mts
agility test
Basketball Shooting Tips...
2) Always keep your eye on your target. Focus on the front top of the rim.
3) Keep the ball close to your body with your chest high and elbows in.
4) Bend knees slightly.
5) Don't let the ball rest on your palm. Let it rest on your fingertips like you're carrying a waiter's tray.
6) Keep your shoulders square to the basket and maintain good balance.
7) Keep your guide-hand just that - a guide. Just let it rest comfortably at the side of the ball.
8) Have good control of your fingertips. Let the ball come off your fingertips for a nice, "light" shot.
9) Create a good backspin. The ball will roll off your fingertips if you follow through correctly. In your follow through, extend your elbow and snap your wrist. This creates the proper backspin.
10) Keep the back of your hand toward your face and palms faced toward the hoop.
11) When the ball leaves your hand, keep your head moving up and directly towards the hoop.
12) Keep a medium arch to your shot. Not too high and not a straight arrow. Arch!
13) Use your legs for power.
14) Achieve quickness through proper wrist action and fingertip control.
15) In order to select the proper shots, get to know your range and skills.
16) Don't keep experimenting with your shooting form. Find what works and then develop it.
17) Always practice your shots at game speed.
18) Take shots you're most likely to face in a real game - invest more of your time developing these shots.
19) If you don't develop the proper quickness to your shots, there is a very good possibility you'll be blocked.
20) Know when to take the shot. If you can't finish the shot with your head moving up and slightly forward and your shoulders squared away, you might generally want to re-think that shot attempt.
Do you sports cheaters??
Tips for a point guard
2. Go to school at Arizona and be taught by the best point guard coach Lute Olsen just signed til 2011.Bibby, Terry, Arenas just to name three of the best right now!
3. The number one way to become a better dribbler is to dribble. Like while you are at home doing nothing get your rock take it outside and just dribble, crossover around the back to the point where these things become second nature. Also work on keeping the ball low. If you watch the best ball handlers cross someone over, the ball is very lowwhen they cross it in front of someone. A good tip is to cross right by the persons foot, instinctivly they will try to reach but if you are low enough, and coming at the right angle they will just end up looking silly. Another tipp is dont be afraid to use your body. Keep it between the ball and the defnder. Either with them on your hip or if you are strong enough on your shoulder/arm. And as far as keeping in shape, that goes hand in hand with the number one way to get that handel tight, RUNS RUNS RUNS. Go play fullcourt for at least three or four hours wit until you are tired and then play two more hours just play yourself iinto basketball shape
4. You should practice on the stuff you need help on,ask the best player on your team to help you,I practiced a lot and I got better at basketball
5. One way to get better ball handling is to by a dvd it is called drillz for skillz. To help your aim just keep shooting the same way eventually they will go in more often. in the summer run sprints about 20 a day. then for distance run 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. just give some of this a try
6. have a dvd that steve nash made and it helps you on everything including defense, shooting, passing, and is a very good dvd and has helped me become a lot better.....the dvd is called Steve Nash MVP Basketball: Fundamentals of Basketball
Good tips for all basketball player
Find three moves and perfect them (mid-range jump shot, 3-point shot, post move)
This coming from a former player who wishes I had taken my own advice!
2. Be tall
3. practice your move like running keep ur grades straight like do 20 suecides back and forth and practice shooting basket
4. Be known for playing really good defense. Guard your opponent in a way that totally shuts her down. Deny every pass, and don't give her any shot opportunities
5. run up and down a court bouncing a ball
6. work on your footwork...that is very important to know where u are on the court at all times. also work on your stamina...that way u can last longer in a fast paced game
7. learn your team.learn YOUR game.keep stats on your progress
8. Umm do jumping exercises, workout, eat healthy, and B4 games i used to eat like a bananna or celery, and I took vitamin b!! It gives u more energy!! Dont be worried tho, u do pee mountain dew color from vitamin b, and drink a decent amount of water! I also heard pickle juice stops body cramps
9. just remember thisu play how u practiceso in other words keep Ur head in the game and stay focus in practice.
10. Be a team player
11. skill , that's the key, you don't even have to be tall , as long as you know the style and you have the talent like Allen Ivers
12. The Center position in Fantasy Basketball is frought with danger, as there are very few impact Centers in Fantasy Basketball and almost all have gaping holes in their game. There's the poor FT shooting of Shaquille O'Neal and Ben Wallace, the injury risks associated with Brad Miller, Zydrunas Ilgauskas and Marcus Camby, and the general lack of stability outside the Top 10. A great season by a center often carries a Fantasy Basketball team to the Playoffs and possibly a title, but on the flip side, going Center early can also derail a team should problems arise. The latter scenario has a higher probability than at any other position, so our take on the Center position is to stockpile surer impact players at other spots and look to fill the Center spots in the mid-to-late rounds with up-and-coming prospects and blocked shot specialists
13. First, you don't have to be tall! Offense: have a move and then a counter move, which is the opposite of your move. If your move is a lay-up, then your counter move is a reverse lay-up. If your move is a drop-step, then your counter could be a step-through move. Defense: you can ALWAYS play good defense, it doesn't take any talent to be a good defender. You can't always hit your shots, but you can ALWAYS play tough defense! Practice! Practice! Practice
14. shoot a ton every day, work on speed and stamina. and make sure you hit the weight room. and play hard all the time
15. Play your game, be aggressive, alert, and hard get better every time you step onto the court..."PERFECT practice makes perfect
16. Don't stop playing
18. Practice as much as you can. And stay in shape
What are some cool basketball tricks that will impress your friends???
Well you could try to dribble the ball really fast in between you legs ( like the pros do on tv) I play and it always seems to impress people!!
you can work on getting the through the legs or behind the back down. They always impress if you can do them well enough. You can also work on a backwards layup ( going behind the backboard then coming back up on the other side and shooting backwards)
What is basketball
Basketball is a sport in which two teams of five players each try to score points on one other by shooting a ball through a hoop (the basket) under organized rules.Since its invention in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1891, it has developed to become a truly international sport. Organized league play originated in the YMCA and early leagues were formed in colleges. Basketball eventually became a professional sport. Even though it was originally an American sport, it quickly spread internationally and outstanding players and teams are found today all over the world.Basketball is primarily an indoor sports, played on a basketball court. Points are scored for passing the ball through the basket from above; the team with more points at the end of the game wins. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it (dribbling) or passing it between teammates. Disruptive physical contact (fouls) is not permitted and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled (violations).Through time, basketball has developed to involve common techniques of shooting, passing and dribbling, as well as players' positions, and offensive and defensive structures. While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. Basketball is also a popular spectator sports.
Basketball is unique in that it was invented by one person, rather than evolving from a different sport. In early December 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian-born physician and minister on the faculty of a college for YMCA professionals (today, Springfield College) in Springfield, Massachusetts, sought a vigorous indoor game to keep young men occupied during the long New England winters. Legend has it that, after rejecting other ideas as either too rough or poorly suited to walled-in gymnasiums, he wrote the basic rules, and nailed a peach basket onto the 10 foot (3.05 m) elevated track. Women's basketball began in 1892, at Smith College, when Senda Berenson, a physical education teacher, modified Naismith's rules for women. The first official basketball game was played in the YMCA gymnasium on January 20, 1892 with nine players, on a court just half the size of a present-day NBA court. "Basket ball", the name suggested by one of Naismith's students, was popular from the beginning.Basketball's early adherents were dispatched to YMCAs throughout the United States, and it quickly spread through the country. By 1896, it was well established at several women's colleges. While the YMCA was responsible for initially developing and spreading the game, within a decade, it discouraged the new sport, as rough play and rowdy crowds began to detract from the YMCA's primary mission. However, other amateur sports clubs, colleges, and professional clubs quickly filled the void. In the years before World War 1, the Amateur Athletic Union and the Intercollegiate Athletic Association (forerunner of the NCAA) vied for control over the rules for the game.Basketball was originally played with a soccer ball. The first balls made specifically for basketball were brown, and it was only in the late 1950s that Tony Hinkle, searching for a ball that would be more visible to players and spectators alike, introduced the orange ball that is now in common use.Interestingly basketball and netball are the only ball games which have been identified as being invented by North Americans. Other ball games, such as baseball and football, have British Commonwealth or European connection.
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